. Economic Series, 11)"> . Economic Series, 11)"> . Economic Series, 11)">

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Gahan, Furniture Beetles.

Gahan, Furniture Beetles.

Gahan, Charles Joseph: Furniture Beetles. their life-history and how to check or prevent the damage caused by the worm. 3. ed. rev. and enl. by Frederick Laing. London: British Museum 1932. 8“. 30 S., 1 Tafel, 10 Textfiguren, geheftet (Besitzervermerk auf Umschlag und Titelblatt; gut erhalten) (=British Museum <Natural History>. Economic Series, 11)

CHF 14.00

Gahan, Furniture Beetles. (Umschlag)
Gahan, Furniture Beetles. (Umschlag)

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