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Compilation of the Social Security Laws. Including the Social Security Act, as a…

Compilation of the Social Security Laws. Including the Social Security Act, as a

Compilation of the Social Security Laws. Including the Social Security Act, as amended, and related enactments through March 1, 1947. Washington: Social Security Administration 1947. 8º. 117 S., Halbleinen (Bibliotheksexemplar; Stempel auf Titelblatt; Einbandkanten leicht berieben; sonst altersgemäss gut erhalten – Library copy; stamp on title page; cover edges slightly rubbed; otherwise in good condition for age)

CHF 18.00

Compilation of the Social Security Laws. Including the Social Security Act, as a (Umschlag)
Compilation of the Social Security Laws. Including the Social Security Act, as a (Umschlag)

Buchantiquariat Roman Wild Antiquitäten Katalog Kunst Sammlung

Ihr unabhängiger Partner für Antiquariat und Buchhandel. Täglich neue Eingänge.